We went to OpenInfra Summit Vancouver 2023.

We headed to Vancouver to share and learn from the global OpenInfra community. The joy of knowledge sharing crosses boundaries in today’s globalized society, encouraging cross-cultural creativity, cooperation, and understanding. Latin America is essential to this global trade because of its rich cultural diversity and varied skill pool. Local efforts in sustainable development, technology, and education draw attention to the region’s distinctive contributions and show the value of information exchange both inside and across national boundaries.

The sharing of knowledge has never been easier in the digital era. People from all around the world may communicate, exchange knowledge, and work together thanks to online platforms, social media, and virtual conferences. Local initiatives are now able to achieve recognition and impact on a global scale thanks to this connectivity.

The amazing work being done in Latin America and its influence on the international scene demonstrate the joy of information exchange. We strengthen local communities and contribute to the global community by recognizing and endorsing these projects. We create the foundation for a world that is more interconnected, knowledgeable, and peaceful as long as we exchange and educate one another.

Out local contribution was this talk was given by Alvaro Soto in here he try to share a common sentiment around the regional community, pointing 3 key points.

  • Comfort zone
  • Lack of ownership
  • Language barrier


Any open-source product is still a “maybe or nah” in LATAM. It’s easier to pay millions for commercial products, where the vendor takes full responsibility from the delivery to the support. It’s also easier to blame the success or failure on the vendor and the quality of the product. LATAM still has a cultural gap regarding OpenSource. A lack of ownership, taking the risk of developing and retaining the required talent in-house to make things work. A challenge that can be tackled with a more specific business analysis of companies in LATAM, including an organizational cultural transition, to demonstrate the benefits of open source in the mid-term, putting them more in control and accelerating their digital transformation.

Cultural Challenges for OpenSource in LATAM

Any contribution is welcome, feel free to reach us through our GitHub repository. This could be an amazing journey.